
Talent is often viewed as the primary means of achieving our musical and artistic goals.  I would like to suggest that commitment is more important than talent. To paraphrase Sadhguru: “If a good man plants a garden, but doesn’t tend to it, will it grow?  If a bad man plants a garden, and waters it and ensures it has adequate sunlight, will it grow?” Commitment to physical and mental practice, combined with research of your favorite performers and the music you’re learning, will advance your vision no matter what you believe your level of talent to be.  There will always be the fantastic player/musician who claims not to practice, and maybe they don’t.  That’s the path for some.  The path for most of us, though, is through commitment and dedication to working intelligently.  The Yogi also tells us: “Unless you do the right things, the right things will not happen to you.”  So do the right thing, and commit to making and sharing beautiful music.

Robert Cart